Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 466HARRY order being appulled on Ost . 22 , 1896 A4 soon as pious author , Jobo Banyad , ” with the date Hems . this ... also completed a new tarret tion at a meeting on Monday agreed to promote a Greengairs , was opened by Bishop Maguire . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 3155 Joseph , Harry S. 49 Lundin & May Foundry & Machine Co .. Koering , Ben Ꭱ . ... R. & Co. , Lumber and McLaren , Alex 49 Mine Timbers 9 Maguire , Don 49 Mine & Smelter Supply Co .. Officer , R. H. ... It should have on its coat of arms sole inscription in Latin : " Speculo " ( " I see ahead . ... It does not announce the date . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 316Translated and edited by Harry Turtledove. Philadelphia, 1982. D. Thomas and Roggema 2009. David Thomas and Barbara Roggema, eds. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 113Cyrus ( line , Henry 1. Barnbart , IOWA . S. F. Prouty . Ilorace M. Towner . William R. Green , Frank P. Woods . George C. Scott . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 122It works chiefly , at prezent , by B.Sc .; Thomas Cecil Daniell , Walter John Easton ; by Mr. Henry Druery , as an ... -Harvey Bagnall , B.A. , Valentino collection ) bears the quaint inscription ' Kerby Mr. Herman Merivale , on " The Drama of the John Stuart Blomfield , Harry Blundell , Walter ... With the exception of a few rooms T. H. Maguire , on “ The Importance of the Robert Edward Jones , William Kingston ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 1399... two sons of Manus Mac Mahon , the son of Henry , son of Brian , and Thomas of the Rock , the son of Edmond Maguire ... Under the effigy the son of David , son of Edmond , son of Hubert , is the following inscription : who was son of Sir ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 3155 Joseph , Harry S. 49 Lundin & May Foundry & Machine Co. Koering , Ben R. ... R. & Co. , Lumber and McLaren , Alex 49 Mine Timbers 9 Maguire , Don 49 Mine & Smelter Supply Co. - 2 Officer ... It should have on its coat of arms as its sole inscription in Latin : " Speculo " ( " I see ahead . ... It does not announce the date . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 67Cornell Reid , and C. E. Maguire , of Wm ... of Downing , Clark & Co .; Franklyn H. Brown , Alsberg , of Wm . Alsberg & Co .; Harry W. Cumner , of of S. Stein & Co .; A. H. Lane , of J. B. Ellison & Sons ; Cumner , Jones & Co .; H. L. Ellison ... The following inscription was inscribed on the The entertainment committee , Messrs . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 177Ink inscription on verso of front free end - paper , " Alice Argles from Charlie Jan. 12 1866 " ... Half - title ; colored frontispiece and thirteen other colored illustrations all on plate paper , by Arthur and Harry Payne , Bertha Maguire , and F. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 113Un homme de main , Cheyenne Harry ( Harry Carey ) , est envoyé par des ranchers pour chasser par la violence une famille de fermiers . ... développe les personnages préférant travailler « par séquence » plutôt que d ' inscrire ses protagonistes dans une dynamique , un emballement du récit ... R . E . Irish , Harry Maguire . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 457... Annemarie Weyl Carr, Henry Maguire, Robert G. Ousterhout, Ioli Kalavrezou, ... the inscription SUGER AEBAS, recorded in 1739, had already disappeared by ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 1143... on Monday evening . His guests were Masters Townsley , Montague , Boyenton , Behr , Clarke and Harry Kimberly , Mason , and the ... Those present were the Misses Gar . rard , Lieutenant Brabson and Dr. Maguire . Lieut . J. Ham . mond ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 1399... two sons of Manus Mac Mahon , the son of Henry , son of Brian , and Thomas of the Rock , the son of Edmond Maguire ... Under the effigy the son of David , son of Edmond , son of Hubert , is the following inscription : who was son of Sir ... C'est assavoir ausdictes princesses se fera le fondement de nostre doctrine tout premierement sur l'amour de crainte de nostreseigneur. Car celuy point est le principe de sapience dont toutes les autres vertus yssent & dependent. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 584C. W. Terbune , F. H. Lockwood , Henry Lilly , Isaac H. Bailey , PHILADELPHIA . ... It was a round , enameled pin , bearing J. F. Knowles , W. N. Pettee , a picture of a shoe and the inscription , " Boston B. C. J. ... Preston B. Keith , J. G. Wilde , W. F. Blake , Jobn E. Maguire , Albert R. Wade , G. T. Coughlin , W. H. Gould , Chas . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 508Coercion and diplomacy date back to the time of Adam . Together ... Maguire of Maguire & Co. and A. C. Gale of Gale Bros. represented Cincinnati . Asst . Secy . Henry R. Whitemore of St. Louis represented the St. Louis Merchants ' Exchange . ... Toledo , distributed a neat souvenir , consisting of a penny surrounded by aluminum and bearing the inscription : “ Keep me and you will always have money . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 1399... two sons of Manus Mac Mahon , the son of Henry , son of Brian , and Thomas of the Rock , the son of Edmond Maguire ... Under the effigy the son of David , son of Edmond , son of Hubert , is the following inscription : who was son of Sir ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 10The inscription on the tablet reads : " Where is My Wandering Boy To - night ? ... Little did I think , " says Song : veiled in loving memory of the au- Mr. Maguire , " when translating that hymn At the lower ... HE HAS SHOEAN PUAN - 24 1923 MESSENGERS on Young Filipinos as Epworthians I " a a Rev. Harry. 586 May 13 ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 23The overseers at the National Crash Co. are : Donald McCaskill , carder ; Harry Hughes , spinner ; Anthony Dixon ... Malone , N. Y. - At the McMillau Mills , Lawrence Webster Co. , Joseph Sykes is superintendent and under him are the following overseers : George Maguire ... 2 card room , which bears a suitable inscription . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 20One , more sharp - eyed than the rest , spotted a seeming inscription on the mottled side , which on closer inspection , in something less than jeweler's ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 370What was a " Bath shilling ” ? him in the D.N.B. ' K. K. HARRY J. MAGUIRE . [ 7. ... If any reader should Tragedy , by — ” ; portrait of Lord Byron discover new allusions between these dates , on title , the ... What genuine , but the inscription bitten into it authority exists for these statements ? and with acid is certainly much later . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 138Howard , nee Rebecca Williams . the inscription : Miss Winkler will be glad to furnish de" Greater love hath no man than this , that a ... Maguire , who is thought to have been de parish a silver chalice in memory of Mrs. After the dedication and an address by the mented at ... Henry Clay Mitchell , rector ) , recently THE WOMAN'S AUXILIARY of the diocese Church , Baltimore , will receive about erected on a ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 245-Will some reader please give us the known as the “ Print Works , " has se- --Harry Twigg , boss dyer , of Almonte ... mills . ery Mill , Burlington , N. C. , will be double Augusta , Ga . vicinity , having learned the business at ed at an early date . ... At his dyer ; Frederick J. Maguire , carder and has been appointed manager and super- departure , Mr. Shanklin was ... recently put in operdresser ; Francis L. Maloney , finisher . inscription , " Officers and mill operatives , knitting machines . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 106... place was being rented by the Triangle Mint Corporation as a repair shop and had been hired by a man known as “ Big Harry ” ; that on ... Borough of Brooklyn , before Magistrate Maguire , who , upon request of the attorney for the said Horn , adjourned the hearing of the ... bearing the inscription Triangle Mint Corporation , inserted therein five nickels , received in return four tokens which he exchanged ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 212In raised letters of green appears the inscription : “ For his Mother's Sake . ” Tickets to the hanging became a valuable collector's item . union dues . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 7The time made was : Osgood , 47.06 ; Pope , 48.27 ; Maguire , 49.04 . FROM A WS CLUB ... Next Wednesday Mrs. Henry D. Burnham and Miss Clara Sears are to give a cotillion in the ballroom of the Algonquin Club . Mr. George Agassiz , son ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 858Maguire , S. $ 1.50 . in 6th - 8th grades . '05 ( 021 ) 12 ° , 40 c . S. Maguire D. A. ... Harper . Randall , Harry , ( formerly Einar Petersen . ] Randy of the river . Alger , H. , jr . ... 3d enl . ed . '07 ( Ap20 ) por . S. ** $ 1 net . ature and inscription . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 122Of particular interest is Harry Maguire's essay , “ Byzantine Domestic Art as Evidence for the Early Cult of the Virgin , ” in ... seal dating from the eleventh century containing an inscription which requests that the owner be blessed with a child . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 519Inscription reads : * Presented to New York as a memento of their athletic achievements Sept. ... Henry Schmal and wife , from St. Lous ; Jack Maguire , Boston ; Frank Glenn , who came on from Boston : Harry White , Baltimore ; Mike O'Brien . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 2P. H. McHale , Master.row , Henry Lippmann , Arthur W. HilleThis all - summer Lodge had a very good at- brand ... Lord Bolrath of Architect , Gregory and Beach of of Harlem , Hall , Maguire and Collins of Corinthian , Spiegel and La ... The High ing the following inscription : " Presented to Acacia Lodge a handsome Grand Lodge of United States , Lord ... but the candiLoesch , George E. Wallen , William A. Tuesday night , when the Lodge called on Piatt . dates preferred to postpone it . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 43There was dried blood on Mairead ' s watch , on the back of which was an inscription from the women of Maghaberry ... s because of the appeal of Harry Maguire and Alex Murphy against their convictions for the killing of the two corporals at ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 330 , chairman ; Harry Cal . ... 13 , | and loving inscription he cannot read . justment , and that out of it all we of the perplexing problems that have secretary . ... Engraving — Patrick Maguire , No. just a mere outline of all you have slightest conception . and the way is now open to secure 28. chairman ; Philip Stefan , No. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 140J. Newcombe , I.P.M .; J. Reddaway , HENRY MAGUIRE . monly known as a “ Multum in Parvo , " for it comS. ... Klyne , bearing Another candidate was proposed , after which the proceedthe following inscription : “ Presented to Bro . R. W. ings ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 51The Pension Beaurepas, and The Point of View Henry James. Caulfield ( John ) ... IU . inscription to C.D. Pub . Chappell . ... NO THOROUGHFARE . Hunt ( G. W. ) . Joey Ladle ( No thoroughfare ) ; words by Harry Hunter . IU . ( Maguire ) . Pub . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 404... one , arranged by the Gesellschaft espressivo ' and ' Allegro scherzando , ' by Mr. Harry Farjeon . der Musikfreunde , of Bach's ' St. John ' Passion . ... so Queen Vocal Quartet ( Misses Hilda Dickin , Eileen Maguire , full of temperament , were given with brilliant success under Edith ... Presented to Allen settings of Longfellow's ' Poems of Slavery ' and an effective inscription on the watch reads thus : part ...
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